Vegan Filipino Fiesta Menudo

Yields: 2 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 40 Mins Total Time: 50 Mins

Menudo is a Filipino dish that is served during special occasions and fiestas, and a mainstay of local carenderias (small eateries). Menudo is popular because of its easy preparation. The tomato-based stew is also palatable to diners of all ages. Unlike the Mexican menudo made with tripe, a Filipino menudo comprises of cubed meat, liver, and hot dog (aka sawdust sausage). This dish with three types of protein in one dish was a rarity for poorer locals back in the day. In this vegan Filipino fiesta menudo, I use seitan, tofu, and vegan sausage.

For the sausage, I use my own homemade gluten-free vegan okara sausage. You can use any vegan hotdog or sausage. If you have a firm hotdog, then it can be added to the pan at the same time as the seitan. If you have a slightly softer sausage, then it should be fried and sliced separately, then added to the stew later. The seitan I use here is a product of the Philippines called Ve-G-Choplets. You can, of course, use your own seitan. To make a fully gluten-free vegan menudo, replace or omit the seitan.

I use diced tomatoes because I like the slightly tart flavour and the lumpy texture. If you prefer the sauce to be sweeter and smooth, you can use tomato sauce or tomato paste instead. To reduce the sharpness, I add a little bit of sugar during the cooking process. In my recipe, I use green chilli to add a splash of colour for extra festivity. To be kid-friendly, you can use peas or green bell pepper instead. Raisins are optional, for the extra hit of sweetness.

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0/8 Instructions
  • Small dice the carrots and medium dice the potatoes. Slice the seitan into 2mm thick slices.
  • Cut the tofu into cubes and fry until golden all round.
  • Fry the sausage until cooked. Set aside to cool and slice thickly. If you are using firmer vegan hotdogs, then you can cook them directly in the stew.
  • Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat and fry the red onion and garlic until aromatic.
  • Add the carrot and potatoes.
  • Add the sliced seitan, diced tomato, bay leaf, sugar, water, and vegetable stock granules. If you are using vegetable stock to replace the water then omit the stock granules. If you are using firm hotdogs then add them too. Bring to boil then turn the heat down to low and stew for 30 minutes or until carrots and potatoes are cooked.
  • Add the green chillies, raisins, tofu, and sausage slices into the stew. It should have reduced quite a bit more by now. Mix and cook for another 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Garnish with spring onions and serve hot.


#carrot  #chilli  #mock meat  #onion  #potato  #tofu  #tomato  

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