Steamed Garlic Enoki | 蒜蓉金针菇

Yields: 2 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 7 Mins Cook Time: 8 Mins Total Time: 15 Mins

Who has the energy to cook a huge meal after a day’s work and home-based learning for their kid? Not me! This steamed garlic enoki is one of my favourite 15-minute meals and a winner with my husband. Warning: Once you try it, you will crave it over and over again!

This is a really simple dish. My special trick to make the garlic extra fragrant is to splash smoking hot oil over it before steaming. Trust me, it makes a difference! The sauce may look inadequate at the beginning. But, the secret is that the mushrooms will give out their sweet and delicious juice while steaming. So, don’t worry.


  • Chillies are not compulsory, so feel free to omit if feeding kids.
  • It is steamed garlic enoki so obviously there’s lots of garlic! 3-5 cloves is good.
  • If you are oil-free or lazy, you can just skip the step with the smoking hot oil.
  • Plate with a slight lip will make sure that the sauce doesn’t overflow during steaming.
  • Try to keep the mushrooms in a uniformed thickness around the plate so it cooked evenly.

Love enoki? Check out Enoki in Tofu Skin (金针菇豆皮卷)!

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0/7 Instructions
  • Cut the roots of the enoki off and tear them into small bunches and place in a steaming plate. You can do it in any shape you like.
  • Mince the garlic and chop the chillies and put them in a heat-proof bowl.
  • Heat 1 tbsp of oil until smoking hot and pour it over the garlic and chillies.
  • Add the light soy, oyster sauce, and sugar. Mix well.
  • Spoon the sauce more or less evenly over the mushrooms.
  • Steam on medium-high heat for 8 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with spring onions and serve hot.



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