There are so many different names for sponge gourds! For people who do not eat them but simply use their ripened form to shower, they are called luffa gourds. In Singapore and China, they are called sigua (丝瓜). In the Philippines, they are called patola. Find out more about the patola here.
There are two types of sigua, the round and smooth version (Luffa aegyptiaca), and the ridged and angular version (Luffa acutangula). Once their skin is shaved off, both of them taste exactly the same inside. The flavour of sigua is sublime—subtly sweet with a faint floral aroma. It is so difficult to explain, so I hope that you try it and find out for yourself.
Due to the delicate flavour of sigua, it is best suited to be cooked gently. This quick steaming dish is perfect for bringing out its original juices.